
“I want to help the little guy”: Kyle Bruce’s plan to serve societies and their members

3 mins read

Kyle Bruce is one of two candidates running for the voluntary Media Officer position.

It is the Media Officer’s job to ensure that all the media societies are working together. They also serve as a link between them and the Executive Council.

“I’m going to be present and reliable as Media Officer,” Bruce said. “I want people to come to me with ideas, and I want to be able to make them happen.”

His experience

He told Brig: “I’m going into my fourth year, I’ve been doing film and loving it.

“I’ve been the president of AirTV for a few years, and I’ve worked with Air3.

“Brig is amazing as well. I’m very invested in the media societies, and I want to do good things for them.”

His manifesto

Bruce is looking to link all the media societies together more closely. He also wants to improve employability and skills development for beyond university, by collaborating with other societies, running workshops, and networking with local filmmakers and other groups.

“Post university, regardless of what career you end up in, you’re going to encounter the media somehow,” he said. “So, if you learn how to deal with that before, you’re going out into the world with something really helpful.

“If there is a way you can build yourself up and gain more experience in different areas, building confidence, building skills, get to do some networking, it can be very useful.

“It builds loyalty with members who know that if they put effort into a society, they’ll get something back.”

What do you want to do?

Bruce also plans to encourage society committee transparency, to ensure a more welcoming environment for new members.

“There can sometimes be a disconnect between big society committees and the members,” he explained. “That can be a bit alienating, especially members who are a bit anxious or not the most outgoing. It can be hard to really get involved and build relationships.

“I want to make sure committees are transparent, and all opportunities are equal. Get people notified well in advance what’s happening, make sure everyone is included. Social media can be a great resource.

“I will show up to your meetings, learn how you operate, and I will help.”

Find out more about the elections and read Kyle Bruce’s manifesto in full here.

Voting opens on Tuesday, February 27 at 10am.

Feature image credit: Stirling Student Union

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