Brig’s Guide To The Perfect Potluck

3 mins read

Eating out Is f*cking expensive and the cost-of-living crisis shows no sign of slowing. However, that needn’t stop students from having a good time with good food and the key is potlucks! Potlucks have been around for centuries as a way for people to share food, drink, and merriment. University potlucks however are a cut above the rest.

Uni brings together students from all over the world and in doing so brings together so many different cuisines and old family recipes that are just begging to be shared. Another brilliant thing about potlucks is that they are a massive money saver as everyone can put in between £10-20 of either food or drink and be set for an amazing night with leftovers for days.

Compared to a night out on the town that’s a massive saving! But, as with all things, things can quickly go from vibey chaos to chaos-chaos if you’re not careful, so here are a few pitfalls to avoid:


two women and man talking
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Please, please, please tell people what you are bringing! Everyone loves curries and cookies but if that’s what everyone is bringing then you’re going to have a problem. Variety is the spice of life people so for the love of all things holy communicate. Plus, you don’t want to run into a situation where everyone brings either food OR alcohol as you want a nice balance for the ultimate vibey night.

Be a good host and a good guest

positive multiethnic couple drinking wine with guests
Photo by Monstera Production on

For the person hosting your potluck, (first thank you, you beautiful and wonderful person) make sure to clear it with your flatmates as you don’t want to be the a**hole throwing a party when people have an early shift in the morning. On the side of the guests just show so basic decency and treat the place with respect. Oh, and maybe bring a cup, a plate, and some cutlery as not everyone has half a dozen spare plates.

Take it slow…

I know it’s difficult to do but you should try not to get too drunk too quickly. I know the appeal of getting blackout as fast as possible is very real but you should take your time and try everything that’s on offer before you get paracletic. Plus, lots of people like to bring games to potlucks and trust me it’s not as easy to play drunks as you’d like to think.

So, if you want to taste the flavours of the world and get hammered on a budget then have as many potlucks as you can and let the shenanigans begin!!

Featured image credit: Spencer Haynes

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Journalism and Politics student.
Write a lot about politics, food and whatever random things have grabbed my attention this week.
Instagram: @elliotj17

Journalism and Politics student.
Write a lot about politics, food and whatever random things have grabbed my attention this week.
Instagram: @elliotj17

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